The club section contains a whole host of information on, and photographs of, the club both recent and historical. As the site is updated you should look here for the featured member archives, and competition results not to mention all the latest photos of us in action (both in and out of the dojo!)
Physical Arts is based on realising your full potential as a human being, starting with developing your natural physical intelligence and mastering your own physical space through movement....
With classes throughout the week physical arts aims to cater to all levels of skill. Whether you want to be the next kickboxing world champion or simply want to get fit and lose some weight physical arts has a class for you.
Born in Leeds, Dwyer started off with boxing and gymnastics in school before discovering the martial arts in 1974. He won his black belt in Jujitsu and a black sash in Kung-fu....
featured member richard thomas
"Miss Physical Arts, Nadia is known to train more than is humanly possible leaving other members of the club to ponder whether or not she is in fact a terminator sent from the future to wear us all out. Twice British Champion, Nadia is set for world domination after she conquers the europeans in October.....
Lots of people find joining classes difficult and feel that they might be inadequate in some way, or look stupid. The 'one on one' course is aimed at building confidence immediately. People can defeat themselves before they even begin by not giving things a go...