Side Kick (right)
Turn your body side on and lift your rear knee to your chest (or as high as is comfortably possible), into side kick position. Extend your leg in a pushing motion using the heel or "knife edge" of the foot to strike with. As you strike the kick you recover it back to your holding position, then place your foot back behind. It is better to practice slowly and fully understand the technique and mechanics of the movement before you attempt to do perform it quickly.

  • Make sure you turn your supporting foot in the same direction as you body when you kick.
  • Lift your knee to your chest (or as near as is comfortable).
  • Techniques can be performed at different heights (low, middle, high).
  • When performed properly use a thrusting / stamping motion to kick.
  • Never over extend.
  • Do not force the kick or try to reach somewhere you can't - this will lead to injury.
  • All techniques should be practiced under the supervision of a qualified instructor.